Shorncliffe station renewal project and accessibility upgrade

Image of a steam train at Shorncliffe station in 1897, which was originally called Sandgate station.

Shorncliffe station was originally called Sandgate station when it was built in 1897.

​Project update

Shorncliffe station building is being restored to preserved its heritage for future generations. Accessibility improvements will also make it easier for all customers and the community to travel on our network.

The project recently reached a significant milestone with the issue of a tender to design and construct on 5 August 2024. Following the successful appointment of a contractor in early 2025, a works program will be developed to determine construction timeframes. Construction is expected to be completed by early 2026.

We appreciate the interest in this project and acknowledge the related delays. Queensland Rail will keep the community informed of the next stages as it works towards preserving this 1897 building to heritage standards.

​Early investigations ​

During the early stages of the project, hundreds of objects were uncovered in the subfloor of Shorncliffe train station. Initial assessment of the heritage items – including train tickets, clothing, newspapers and bottles – suggest the items date back to the 1890s.

Queensland Rail engaged the independent heritage assessors to assist with safely removing the items and cataloguing them in line with best practice heritage investigation processes. During that process, more than 900 items were uncovered. Due to the age of some of the items found, further site investigations were required and the dig formally concluded in February 2021.

Since completion of the dig, Queensland Rail has been investigating opportunities to rehoming some of the heritage finds.

In addition to the archaeological dig, Queensland Rail's initial investigations of the station building also detected significant structural issues, which need to be addressed through bracing and staged works as part of the restoration.

The impact of the heritage discoveries and structural issues on the project timeframes has meant that Queensland Rail has reassessed timeframes to include these changes to the scope. While the extra works have affected the project timeline, it's extremely important that we get this project right and treat the 1897 building - and piece of our local history – with respect.   

The impact to timeframes has also presented the opportunity to revise the scope to include an accessibility upgrade and restoration of Shorncliffe station.

New concept designs

Image of concept design of the new Shorncliffe station platform​​Concept design of the new acc​essible platform at Shorncliffe station - subject to change 

Restoration works will focus on:

  • the station building, an iconic feature of the local community requiring extensive works to preserve its heritage for future generations

  • retention of the 1940s air raid shelter.

Shorncliffe station accessibility upgrade will include:

  • raising the platform at the boarding points

  • hearing augementation loops and tactile ground surface indicators

  • accessible ticket windows and toilets

  • additional accessible parking

  • wayfinding and platform signage.

Other new station features include:

  • a new kiss 'n' ride area
  • a new, secure bike enclosure
  • enhanced levels of safety, security, accessibility and comfort for customers.

The restoration is central to upgrading the station. Queensland Rail engaged architects to draft the concept design that considers the restoration of the station building and air raid shelter while seamlessly integrating the accessible features of the upgrade such as the raised full length platform. Heritage specialists have continued their involvement with the project to ensure the restoration and upgrade meet heritage requirements.

​Keeping you informed

Queensland Rail is committed to keeping stakeholders and the community informed.

For more information, contact stations upgrade team on 1800 722 203​, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, or email​


Concept designs

Project information