The Pillars Project

The Pillars Project started as a collaborative initiative of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, opens in new window and Queensland Rail. Through 2014 and early 2015, six pillars of the Merivale Bridge were painted by leading Australian street artists who have now gone on to become internationally renowned.

Since then, five more artworks have added to the character of this important rail bridge. The pillars weave their way through the South Brisbane landscape towards South Bank forming a significant outdoor gallery of Australian artists for years to come.

These 10 metre tall artworks can be easily viewed by the residents and visitors of Brisbane beginning from the Riverside Drive pathway through to Hope Street.

Participating artists:

  • Fintan Magee
  • Travis Vinson
  • Mick Shida
  • Emily Devers and Rick Hayward
  • Matt Adnate
  • Johnny Radforde
  • Claire Foxton
  • Simon Degroot
  • Guido Van Helton
  • Tyrone Wright
  • Mik Shida

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