Plan your journey
Journey planner
Tickets and fares
Our trains
Event transport
Travel conditions
School rail passes
Group bookings
Travelling with your bike
Travelling with prams and bags
Train etiquette
Free Wi-Fi
Natural disasters
Queensland Rail Mobile App
Stations and maps
Your station
Network map
Planned track closures
Long distance travel
Safety and security
Safety initiatives
Security personnel
Security initiatives
Community safety initiatives
Access undertaking
Accessing our track
The regional network
Mount Isa line system
North Coast line system
West Moreton system
Western system
South Western system
Central Western system
Tablelands system
Over-dimensional loads
Third party access
Building and maintaining our network
Design and construct
Telecommunications network
New business
Existing customers
Urban planning and development
Property leasing and advertising signs
Business and Industry
Industry engagement
Charter a train
Health assessments for rail industry workers
Rail Industry Worker program
Community engagement
Customer reference groups
Commuter Catch-Ups
Email notification registration
Community partnerships
Positive pARTnerships
The Pillars Project
Maintenance works
Rail safety education
Rail safety tips
Rail safety education resources
Noise management
Environmental management
The Queensland Rail journey
History Podcast
Station storyboards
Historical timeline
1900 - 1950s
1950 - 1990s
1990 - 2000s
Contact us
Customer feedback
Lost property
Station access requests
Social media
Our organisation
Human rights
White Ribbon accreditation
Reconciliation Action Plan
Our performance
Service punctuality and reliability
Safety and Security
Customer information
Corporate governance
Queensland Rail Board
Executive Leadership Team
Reports and Publications
Right to information
What is Right to Information?
How do I access information?
Disclosure log
Publication scheme
Our policies
Media centre
Our Graduate Program
Scams and fraud