Innovative new technology for Carnarvon Highway level crossing (Ministerial statement)


  • $1 million upgrade to the Carnarvon Highway level crossing at Thallon is complete.
  • A new solar-powered, flashing-light system has been installed displaying clear warning to keep drivers safe.
  • The innovative technology is only the second of its kind in Queensland.

A level crossing on the Carnarvon Highway at Thallon in South West Queensland has been upgraded with an innovative, autonomous system that displays clear warning signs at all times.

The $1 million lighting upgrade is a Rail Level Crossing Active Safety System (RAXS) wireless safety system and is the second of its kind in Queensland, with one operating at Oakey in the Toowoomba region.

It means regional motorists will now see flashing red lights as they approach the level crossing in addition to a red railway crossing sign and message board directing drivers to stop on the signal.

It features a railway active signage system together with a train detection system and does not require power or trackside cabling.

The solar powered technology ensures the level crossing remains protected on the rare instance of a power failure or outage, which is important for rural and remote Queensland communities.

While the previous level crossing stop signs met stringent safety standards, Queensland Rail installed the new technology following community consultation with Thallon residents. 

Quotes attributable to the Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey:

“We're proud to deliver this important safety upgrade for the Thallon community.

“The crossing was previously equipped with stop signs, and while this met the required safety standards, we knew it was crucial to listen to the community and ensure they felt as safe as possible.

“Thallon residents shared their views in the Queensland Rail consultation process and the results were unanimous, that flashing lights to warn of approaching trains was the community's preferred safety measure."

Quotes attributable to Queensland Rail Head of Regional Scott Cornish:

“For everyone's safety, it's important to pay attention to your surroundings at level crossings, follow the road rules and heed the signs in place, because trains are heavy, fast, they can't stop quickly and they can't swerve to avoid a collision.

“The effectiveness of flashing lights still depends on the motorist's behaviour, so people will need to stay aware of their surroundings, avoid distractions and stay out of the crossing if the lights are flashing.

“There were 99 near misses with trains at level crossings across regional Queensland in the 2022-2023 financial year, up from 92 the previous financial year (2021-2022).

“Queensland Rail is committed to investing in level crossing safety, including through safety campaigns, education programs and upgrades, and thanks the Thallon community for sharing their views about this project."


Media contact – Minister Bailey's office - 0466 620 176​

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