On the train


This page contains information on what you can expect on Queensland Rail trains and onboard features​ to help you feel more comfortable.

On this page:

Train icon

Trains and carriage layout information

Queensland Rail have eight different types of trains running on our network. You cannot currently find out what model or type of train will be available for each service ahead of time. 

Our trains: 

  • The Interurban Multiple Unit (IMU) are usually used for longer journeys and have a bathroom onboard. There are three different types of IMU, the 100 series, the 120 series and the 160 series. 
  • ​​Suburban Multiple Unit (SMU) are similar to the IMU but do not have bathrooms onboard. There are three different types of SMU, the 200 series, the 220 and the 260 series. 
  • ​​The Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) are the oldest of our fleet. ​
  • The New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) are the newest of the fleet. ​​

We have information about each of our trains, their layout and features on our train carriage layout page​​​. We also have virtual tours available for the IMU 160 and the NGR to help you familiarise yourself with our trains before you travel. ​

Train features icon

Train featu​res 

General features

Across the fleet, the trains have varying features with many carried across to all. These include:

  • ​Safety hand rails
  • Emergency door releases
  • Lighting

Priority seating icon

Priority seating

Priority seats are available near doors in all carriages and are identifiable with signage. On some of our trains the priority seating will be a different colour to other seats, and may be purple, red or blue.

Priority seats are for passengers with a disability, impairment, or additional needs. They are also for pregnant women, the elderly and parents with young children. The reason for priority does not need to be visible. Priority seating should be made available upon request for use by any passengers with additional needs and those who require extra support while travelling.

Images below show: Priority seating onboard and the priority seating sign.

SMU 260 Carriage priority seats​​NGR Priority seatsPriority seating sign

Allocated spaces icon

Allocated spaces

Allocated spaces for passengers with wheelchairs and mobility devices are provided in every train. Their location can be identified by external signage on the carriage and inside by floor decals featuring the international symbol of access. 

​Allocated spaces should be made available for people with mobility devices when requested. 

Images below show: Long view of inside a carriage with allocated spaces and a close-up of the spaces with pull down seats.

NGR seating with Allocated spaces SMU 200 Allocated spaces

Security and emergency help points icon

Security and emergency help points​

Every train carriage is fitted with security cameras. They are monitored 24/7. 

Every train has a passenger intercom called an emergency help point, which is a button and a speaker you will find inside the train. They are often near doors and in allocated spaces. 

If you need emergency assistance use the emergency help point by pressing the button to speak to the onboard crew. 

Image below shows: The emergency help point on a train.

SMU 220 Passenger/Emergency help intercom 

The NGR and the upgraded IMU 160 and SMU 260 trains also have customer/disability assistance points installed in allocated spaces for non-emergency assistance, such as arranging assisted disembarking.​​ For assistance please press the button with the wheelchair/international symbol for access on it. 

If you are unable to activate the emergency help or customer/disability assistance points please ask another passenger for assistance to press the button and/or speak through the intercom. ​​​

Image below shows:​ the onboard customer/disability assistance point is the button on the left with wheelchair/international symbol for access on it.​

 NGR Passenger/Emergency help intercom

Bathroom icon

Unisex bathroom 

The NGR and IMU trains are fitted with at least one unisex bathroom. SMU and EMU trains do not have an onboard bathroom. ​

In IMU trains the bathroom can be in the first or third carriage in three-car train, changing with the direction of travel. In six-car trains it can be the first or third and fourth or sixth carriage. This changes with the direction of travel. 

NGR trains will always have bathrooms in carriage three and four. 

Bathrooms have:

  • toilet with grab rails
  • baby change table
  • mirror
  • wash sink
  • soap dispenser
  • dryer
  • two emergency help points.

Announcement icon

Onboard announcements

​​​The train guard makes announcements onboard the train through speakers. Announcements can include important safety information, or information about upcoming works or planned disruptions. If there are any issues often the guard will announce to let customers know.

Many of the announcements and safety tips will also display on the next station display in the ceiling of each carriage, please use the displays if needed. 

As the train approaches each station there will be an announcement to say which station it is, and which side the platform is on (either left or right) in the direction the train is travelling. 

Hearing aid loop icon

Hearing aid loops

Some of our trains have hearing aid loops available, which assist people using hearing aids hear announcements more clearly. Look for the blue and white internationally recognised hearing loop signs onboard which indicate where the system can be used. On some trains there is also signage onboard the trains that shows the loop areas within the carriage. 

To connect to the hearing aid loop your hearing aid needs a telecom. Ask your audiologist in your hearing aid has a telecom and make sure it’s activated.

Image below shows: the blue and white internationally recognised hearing loop sign.

Hearing aid loop sign

Quiet carriage icon

Quiet Carriages

Quiet Carriages are the second and fifth carriages.​​ We ask all customers to please avoid having loud conversations, talking on their mobile phones, or listening to loud music in the Quiet Carriage. If you prefer a quiet space we encourage you to use the Quiet C​ar​riages on our trains. ​​​​​​​​

Image below shows: the Quiet Carriage signage on the inside window of a train. ​​​​​

Quiet carriage sign on an SMU train ​​​​​​​

Audio icon ​​

Onboard audio noises

Announcement onboard

Announcements can include important information, on safety, upcoming trains, upcoming works or planned disruptions.

Automated announcements onboard

Automated announcements can include important information, on safety, upcoming trains, upcoming works or planned disruptions.

Chatting onboard

You may hear people having conversations. If you prefer you can move to the Quiet carriage for a quieter area.

Doors closing

There will be bells and then an automated announcement will play, warning people to stand clear of the door.

Onboard train sounds

The train can make different noises as it travels along the tracks.


The train will occasionally go across a neutral zone and may make a popping noise in the process.


Station staff use whistles to communicate with onboard staff. You may still hear these while onboard.

Video icon

Onboard video

Onboard video with Auslan