Bundamba station accessibility upgrade

This image shows an artist impression of what the new station will look like from the section of the station carpark closest to

Bundamba station, February 2025.


Queensland Rail has upgraded Bundamba station to improve accessibility​ and make it easier and safer for customers to use.

The upgrade is part of the Queensland Rail's Station Accessibility Upgrade Program​, opens in new window, opens in new window which focuses on providing greater accessibility to rail services whether you're pushing a pram, carrying luggage, using a wheelchair or injured. 

Features of the upgrade include:

  • a new footbridge with lift access

  • improved accessible parking, including kiss 'n' ride area

  • full-length, high-level platforms

  • upgraded hearing augmentation loops and tactile ground surface indicators 

  • upgraded security cameras and lighting

  • new wayfinding and platform signage

  • accessible toilets and ticket windows

  • new bicycle storage facility

  • improved seating and extended platform shelters

  • improved station building and facilities.​

The Bundamba station accessibility upgrade was officially opened in ​October 2024. We thank customers and the community for their patience throughout the works and station closure.​


​​For more information about Queensland Rail's Station Accessibility Upgrade program:

Phone: 1800 722 203​

Email: stationsupgrade@qr.com.au

Station Upgrade Project 
Queensland Rail
PO Box 1429
Brisbane QLD 4001​​