Third party access

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Queensland Rail third-party access team manages proposals for development or building work on or near the rail corridor, access to the corridor for third-party works, and proposals relating to the installation and maintenance of utility services and infrastructure (Wayleaves) on land controlled by Queensland Rail.

The rail corridor is a dangerous environment; the laws that apply to working around the rail corridor often impose different and higher standards than those that apply in other environments. As the railway manager, Queensland Rail must subject all applications for third-party works to a formal review process to ensure they comply with Queensland Rail’s strict technical requirements and safety protocols.

Wayleaves (i.e. infrastructure crossing) on railway corridor

A Wayleave governs the installation, ownership, and maintenance of third-party services and infrastructure (e.g. electrical cables, telecommunications, or pipelines) which cross over or under land controlled by Queensland Rail.

To apply for a Wayleave agreement, a completed ​Wayleave Application for Non-Queensland Rail Service (MD-14-134) form​ is required to be submitted with all necessary supporting documentation. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Alternatively, if the project is in its initial planning stages, an ​​Application for Wayleave Approval in Principle (MD-14-136) form​ ​can be submitted. This allows preliminary plans and proposed infrastructure alignment to be assessed and approved in-principle by Queensland Rail.  

All applications are subject to a formal Queensland Rail review process to ensure they comply with Queensland Rail's strict technical requirements and safety protocols. The review process generally takes a minimum of 45 business days from the date a complete and compliant application is submitted, however this may take longer depending on the complexity of the application and the quality of the information provided.

Development, building works, or other third-party works on/adjacent to the railway corridor

If physical access to land, controlled by Queensland Rail is required for any reason, a license agreement will need to be executed between the third party and Queensland Rail.

Similarly, if works are occurring adjacent to the rail corridor and have the potential to interfere with the railway or any rail infrastructure, Queensland Rail must be contacted to determine if a license is required.

To apply for a license, a completed ​​Application for Access to Queensland Rail Land (MD-14-160) form ​is required to be submitted with all necessary supporting documentation. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

All applications are subject to a formal Queensland Rail review process to ensure they comply with Queensland Rail's strict technical requirements and safety protocols. The review process generally takes a minimum of 45 business days from the date a complete and compliant application is submitted, however this may take longer depending on the complexity of the application and the quality of the information provided. 

Gaining physical access to the railway corridor

Once any of the above applications are approved by Queensland Rail, it must be understood that additional time will then be required to schedule physical access and/or implement the safety controls identified during the formal review process. 

These timeframes will vary and will be dependent on

  • current workloads and schedules;
  • the type of safety control required (e.g. track closure);
  • location of the works; and
  • the required supervision by Queensland Rail representative/s. 

Generally, in SEQ, gaining physical access to a track closure can require a minimum of 4 – 6 months prior to access being granted due to current protocols and schedules. This should be allowed for in any project program planning.

NB: If physical access is required urgently and a license has been granted, please discuss the option of a 'late possession bid' with the Third Party Access Coordinator.  

For regional areas, it is suggested the relevant Asset Manager is contacted to discuss access requirements.

Application form downloads

Relevant technical requirements & standards

Access to railway corridor - training requirements

Unless otherwise advised by Queensland Rail, all entrants to the rail corridor must have completed Safely Access the Rail Corridor (SARC) training and be able to present the qualification card upon request. The SARC qualification does not permit access to the rail corridor without the prior approval of the Queensland Rail third-party access team.

In addition, please note that Queensland Rail has recently implemented a new requirement for all workers who are working in the danger zone, under an application of Network Lockout, and must undertake relevant training and assessment prior to engaging the Nominated Manager. Should you need further clarification around this or to proceed to book your training, please contact

For further information, or to book SARC or other Trackside Safety training (including Network Lockout training), please visit the ​Rail Industry Worker program​​ for a list of approved training providers.

Note: Information provided on this page and within associated documents is subject to change at any time without notice.