Urban planning and development

​Queensland Rail provides operational and technical advice to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) on various developments which adjoin, or potential impact on current or future operation of, the rail corridor.

This advice is provided under the Planning Act 2016, by the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, and Planning (DSDIMP)'s, State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA).

Developers, engineers, and/or town planning consultants may access the below standards to assist them in meeting the criteria outlined in the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP). For general constructability, operational or technical advice (including level crossing impacts & boundary fencing requirements), contact must be made with the relevant QR Asset Manager and a QR Project Manager may need to be engaged to assist with your project interface.

Please note any requests for official pre-lodgement meetings/advice must be made through DSDMIP.

Relevant technical requirements & standards

Queensland Rail as-constructed and standard drawing  requests

Queensland Rail can release as-constructed & standard drawings (including civil engineering, security fencing, etc.) at their discretion if requested by third parties. 

To request drawings owned by Queensland Rail, an email must be sent to CivilDrawings@qr.com.au with a detailed explanation as to why the drawings are required and who is requesting them.

Queensland Rail have the right to refuse the release of any civil information and can direct the third party to make a formal Right to Information (RTI) application, if considered appropriate. 

Note: Information provided on this page and within associated documents is subject to change at any time without notice.