Lost property

​​​​​​​All lost property found at Queensland Rail stations and rail services is stored centrally at the lost property office.

Please be aware, that it may take several days from the time the item of lost property is found to its arrival at the lost property office.

To enquire about lost property, you can:​

  • Phone 13 16 17 during business hours
  • Complete the lost property form below
  • Visit the lost property office at Central Station​ located at Plaza Level, Rail Centre 2, 309 Edward Street, Brisbane. Enter via Edward Street during business hours. ​

In addition to following up on any lost property inquiries from our customers, the Queensland Rail lost property team will make every effort to contact the owner of lost items where the identification of the owner is possible. Lost items will be held by the lost property office for a period of two months.

Where lost items remain unidentified and unclaimed after two months:

  • Valuable items will be donated to charity.
  • Birth, marriage, and death certificates are forwarded to the Brisbane registry office for Births, Deaths, and Marriages.
  • General unclaimed items will be donated to charity or disposed of appropriately.
  • Keys, remotes, USB drives, documents, and personal identification items will be destroyed (excluding passports).

Note: Passports are immediately sent to the relevant consulate or passport office.

Lost property business hours

  • 7.30am - 5.00pm; Monday to Friday. ​​

If you have lost a mobile phone

If a mobile phone has been lost, a SIM and IMEI number* must be provided to the lost property office to enable a search to be conducted. These numbers can be obtained from your service provider.

*SIM: Subscriber identity module; IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity

If you have lost a passport

If an international passport is found on Queensland Rail property, we will return it as soon as possible to the Australian address of the relevant consulate via registered post.

An Australian passport will be returned to the Passport Office at 150 Charlotte Street, Brisbane.

To recover a lost passport, you will need to contact the relevant consulate or passport office.

Our lost property office can advise if your passport has been found on Queensland Rail property.

What to do if you find lost property

Please hand in lost property at any staffed railway station.​

For enquiries regarding lost property, please submit the form below.

Preferred contact
Where did you lose your item?
Date of occurrence
Is this enquiry regarding a lost mobile phone?
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